Terms & Conditions

  • It is essential that you review the terms and conditions outlined below prior to utilizing our services. By requesting us to perform work for you, whether verbally or in writing, you are consenting to these terms and conditions.
  • Should you need to cancel your booking with us, please inform us preferably via email at least 48 hours in advance. If you cancel on the scheduled date, after having paid a deposit, or after the materials have been procured and delivered, you will be subject to charges. In cases where materials have been purchased, you will be responsible for the costs as specified in your estimate or quotation
  • Minimum of 1 hour charge on hourly rate work, then charged per half hour
  • Free estimates/quotations can be provided upon request, for installation and remedial repair work, following a pre-booked chargeable diagnosis visit or estimate/quotation survey
  • Final payment is due on satisfactory of the job and/or within 7 days of the date of invoice; we accept cash, cheque, debit/credit card or BACS. Please note card payments incur an additional 1.69% transaction fee by our card payment provider
  • Materials/parts are charged at trade plus a 20% mark up and are subject to VAT
  • Collection for any non-stock materials/part is charged at a maximum of 30 minutes